Romania has officially launched a programme for the acquisition of 4x4 armoured vehicles for the armed forces. We know the big favourites

S.I. Catalin |
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Blindat american JLTV. Foto: Oshkosh Defense
Blindat american JLTV. Foto: Oshkosh Defense

Romania has officially launched the Light Tactical Armoured Vehicles - LTAV programme. More precisely, the programme to equip the Romanian Armed Forces with 4x4 armoured vehicles.

The acquisition of 4x4 armoured vehicles aims at awarding a multi-year contract for the supply of 1,059 tactical armoured vehicles in 9 configurations - basic version and eight derivative types, needed to equip the structures of the Ministry of National Defence.

The estimated cost of the procurement of the 1,059 armoured vehicles is approximately 4.58 billion lei.

The tender notice was published today by Romtehnica S.A., the organiser of the procedure and part of the Romanian Ministry of National Defence.

DefenseRomania has analysed the tender announcement. Applications must be submitted by 10.07.2023.

One of the most important requirements requested by the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) is the involvement of the Romanian defence industry. Thus, starting with the 279th armoured vehicle, the vehicles will have to be produced on Romanian territory.

MApN requests the manufacture of ,,LTAVs (n.r. - 4x4 armoured vehicles) on the national territory of Romania in the manufacturing, assembly, integration, testing and maintenance capacities of the economic operators within the national defence industry, so that, starting with product no. 279, the delivery of LTAVs will be made from these manufacturing lines".

At the same time, as far as the control software suite is concerned, there is an obligation for it to be developed in Romania together with the economic operators in the country.

Another important aspect is that future companies registered for the tender must have delivered in the last 7 years armoured vehicles similar to those that will be proposed to Romania to the armies of at least two NATO or EU countries, including their own armed forces.

,,Companies must submit declarations and supporting documents showing that they have delivered in the last 7 years, directly or through contracts awarded by one government to another, similar LTAV products to the armies of at least two countries that were NATO or EU members at the time of delivery. In the case of applicants from NATO or EU member states, deliveries to their own armies will also be taken into account" (...) The applicant must provide declarations and supporting documents demonstrating that it has delivered in the last 7 years, directly or through contracts awarded by one government to another government, at least 1,059 LTAV-type products", reads the tender notice consulted by DefenseRomania.

Americans with JLTV and French with Sherpa 4x4 start from pole position

In this 4x4 programme, we know for sure that besides the Americans from Oshkosh with their JLTV, the French from Arquus with their Sherpa Light are also competing.

Last spring, DefenseRomania attended a visit organised by Arquus representatives to the production facility in Limoges, France. During the discussions, the French confirmed that their proposal is the Sherpa 4x4 armoured vehicle and that they want 70% of the vehicle to be "made in Romania".

They want to implement the successful Renault and Dacia model in Romania.

As for the Americans from Oshkosh, they also confirmed exclusively to DefenseRomania that they will compete with JLTV. Both companies are interested in working with Uzina Automecanica Moreni.



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